Interested in donating to Wales YFC?
If you would like to discuss the possibility of making a donation to the federation, you are welcome to contact Claire Powell (in confidence): accounts@yfc-wales.org.uk
How will my donation be used?
Any donations we will be truly grateful for and will be put towards the following
- Hosting of our events and activities for YFC Members
- To develop our organisation
- Venue Hire and other resources to make our Competitions, activities and events happen
- Maintaining our building
- Offer workshops and training for young people, volunteers, and staff.
Give Back to Wales YFC – Remember us in your will
You can help us to continue to fulfil our charitable aims, protect the organisation and secure it’s future, by leaving a gift in your will to Wales Young Farmers Clubs.
We’re extremely grateful for every gift left to us, no matter how large or small. Every legacy we receive helps in supporting young people between the ages of 10-28 throughout rural Wales.
All you need to leave a gift in your will is our address and our registered charity number (1145230).
Choose which type of gift you want to leave:
- A residuary gift – A percentage of your estate after your family and friends are provided for and your debts have been settled.
- A pecuniary gift – This is a fixed sum of money.
As Wales YFC is a registered charity, any gift you leave will be exempt from inheritance tax.
If you are planning to leave a donation to Wales YFC in your will, we recommend that you speak to a solicitor to ensure that your wishes will be carried out as you intend and that all legal requirements are met.
If you already have a will and you decide to leave a gift, you may not need to make a new one. Small changes to your will can be stated in a codicil, an additional legal document that is read in conjunction with your will.
Contact Us
If you have any questions regarding the charitable work and objectives of Wales YFC, or would like to discuss leaving a donation to Wales YFC in your will, please get in touch with the Chief Executive on 01982 553502 or email prifweithredwr@yfc-wales.org.uk.