Sesiynau CFfI – Gosod Blodau | YFC Sessions – Flower Arranging

19 April, 2021

This event is no longer available.

Yn dilyn ein sesiwn cyntaf yng nghwmni Sionedd, gobeithiwn y bydd aelodau wedi cael cyfle i greu arddangosfeydd hyfryd yn ei hamser sbâr, ac wedi cael cyfle i ddanfon lluniau o’u creadigaethau ymlaen i Sionedd. Byddwn felly’n adeiladu ar yr hyn dysgom yn y sesiwn gyntaf, gan ganolbwyntio ar ymhelaethu ar ein sgiliau ar gyfer y dyfodol.

Following on from the first session, members will have had the chance to create some wonderful displays and send photos of their creations to Sionedd during their spare time. To build upon the “tricks of the trade” learnt during the first session; this second session focuses on improving your flower arranging skills for the future.

  • April 19, 2021
    7:00 pm - 8:00 pm

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