Club of the Month
Club of the Month – August 2024

August 2024

Name of Club:
Raglan Young Farmers Club
Number of Members:
Where you meet:
Llanarth Village Hall
Describe your club in 3 words:
Youthful, Enthusiastic, Inclusive
Favourite Club Night Activity:
With so many junior members, a games night is always a huge success!
Fundraising accomplishments:
From wreath sales to hosting our annual barn dance we never stop. This year our chairperson, William Meadmore, wanted to hold a charity ‘Plowathon’. 24 hours, 1 man and as many acres as possible! The event was a huge success raising £6000 for our chosen charities.
Your work within the community:
With such a young membership we are faced with how much we can get involved with our local community due to other commitments of the older members. We always try to support our local shows and ploughing matches, helping with the setting up and taking down and joining with them for fundraisers.
Favourite competitions:
Raglan, as a club, have always been very strong at all aspects of stock judging. Saying that we entered 9 florists at our county Autumn Fair!
How do you use the Welsh Language?
Being a predominantly English speaking county we do struggle with using the Welsh language at a club level but we encourage our members to enter the county round of the Eisteddfod competitions and try to squeeze some into our club nights and event advertisement where we can.
Any other fun facts or slogans etc.:
The Club have celebrated some huge successes this year, including winning both our County Autumn Fair and Rally!