NEW for 2025, the Mental Health Champion Award is for an individual, group, club or county that has truly been a mental health champion / champions within the rural community. The person / group would be active within the agricultural community and the wider rural community. The worthy winner will be able to demonstrate an understanding of the importance of supporting and raising awareness of mental health within a rural community.
Will is a 25 year old dairy farmer and tractor driver from Gwent. Last year he was Chair of his club which was Raglan YFC. While he is one of the officers of the club he has tried to raise as much money as possible for charities. In his year as vice chair he raised £2500 for a cancer charity in his area, and in his year as chair he raised £5000 by doing a 24 hour ‘Ploughathon’, and the money was shared between the Welsh Air Ambulance and the Mental Health charity ‘Farming’ Minds’. Farming Minds is a charity based in Hereford and as he lives so close to the border this means he knows a number of people the charity has helped and this has made him want to help such an organisation!