Club of the Month
Club of the Month – April 2024

April 2024

Name of Club:
San Ishmael YFC
Number of Members:
Where you Meet:
Llandyfaelog Hall, every Tuesday night at 8pm
Describe your Club in 3 words:
Community, friendly and fun.
Favourite Club Night Activity:
The club’s bowling night is most popular each year with all members attending in an attempt to be in the club team to compete in the county ten bowling competition.
Work Within the Community:
Our club is very busy within the community, we are fortunate to have had an agricultural show in Llandyfaelog for almost 120 years and club members each year help with the stewarding, with 2 representatives from the club also sitting on the show committee, the female and male member of the year within the club are the show’s ambassadors each year.
In addition to the show we have a local eisteddfod in Llandyfaelog. Our members are also part of this committee, assisting annually either running the shop or compèring the eisteddfod from the stage! In addition to these two events our members are part of the community hall committee and are always ready to help with any village activities, this can include supporting the church whist night or stewarding the village scarecrow competition!
Favourite Competitions:
It’s impossible to pick one! But the rally and sports day competitions are when our members get most excited. Many of them love it and are very successful at stock judging, cooking and making the static! But we’re also a club that really enjoy our athletics and rugby, with several members part of the team that won the 7 a-side rugby at last year’s Royal Welsh Show!
How do you use the Welsh Language?
Welsh is the main language of our club and the majority of our activities are carried out through the medium of Welsh. However several non-Welsh speaking members have joined the club this year and so any evening they attend is run bi-lingually and we try to teach them a few Welsh words!
Any other facts?
Something exciting within the club this year is that we are celebrating our 90th anniversary, as Carmarthenshire’s oldest club and one of Wales’ oldest farmers’ clubs we are delighted to have been able to reach such a milestone! We enjoyed the entertainment at our decades-long concert in March and look forward to the ‘It’s a Knock Out’, dance and grand dinner that are in preparations for the rest of the year.