Members' Blog

Sailing Challenge 2022

We caught up with Mari, Cadi & Elis from Carmarthenshire YFC to hear all about their experience on the Sailing Challenge!

The 5 day voyage started in Penarth Marina Cardiff and the 6 teenagers from Wales YFC aged 16-19 years old undertook all tasks from cooking, cleaning, sailing and navigating in pairs.

It was a character building experience said Mari, whereby you were expected to work as a team and follow instructions from the skipper and the professional sailing team. “It really was a great start for young people who are beginning their travelling voyages”.

Cadi, Mari’s twin said she felt the crew were very supportive and mindful it was their first sailing trip. Many new skills were learnt, including learning rope knots, which are transferable into day to day life. “I was initially nervous but soon relaxed as it felt safe due to the professional manner of the crew”.

Elis, the youngest member of the 6 member team, gained tremendous resilience and independence and does highly recommend the experience to fellow YFC members aged 16-18 years old.

We literally have caught the travelling bug!!