Members' Blog

Spring Seminar 2023

We caught up with Lucy Price from Radnor YFC to hear all about her experience on the Spring Seminar in Budapest with Rural Youth Europe!

In April 2023 I travelled to Budapest to take part in a study session organised by Rural Youth Europe. The theme of the session was ‘Respect and Resilience – Strengthening Communities in the Face of Adversity’ and throughout the week we took part in activities that aimed to encourage us to think about building resilient youth structures, to help improve the lives of young people, with a focus on mental health.

The workshops involved lots of team building activities to help us get to know each other, but also sharing our aspirations for our youth organisations at home. Between us we were representing 17 different countries, and it was so interesting to hear about our shared experiences. Some of my favourite discussions were around the different types of organisations and what they’re offering young people, and conversations around mental health.

One of the highlights of the trip was the international evening which took place on the first night. We were each asked to bring items from our home country and share an insight into our culture and history. Myself and Elin put on a good old fashioned Welsh spread – from Welsh cakes, bara brith, Snowdonia cheese and Welsh butter which all went down a treat!

I had an amazing time on this trip and would highly recommend anyone considering doing the travel programme to give it a go – you get to meet so many new people and discover a new part of the world. It’s much more than a holiday, and the experience will stay with you for life!