Wales YFC News
Unsung heroes of Keyston YFC
Keyston YFC located in Pembrokeshire is a close group of 11-28 year olds. In 2023, we were so excited to win the Talent competition and went on to represent Pembrokeshire YFC in Bangor.

After a long day of travelling but an amazing time with the Keyston crew, plus a very very late night, it was safe to say we were ready for home the following day! With our music on and catching up on sleep, our bus was first on scene to a road traffic collision to which our members sprung into action to help. An example was using the props from the talent such as the brushes to create a safe scene. Our very own Amy James did us extremely proud and took charge of the scene. She did vital first aid on all casualties. Emergency services arrived 30 minutes later and all casualties were safely transported to hospital. Following the incident, Keyston YFC have learnt that first aid needs to be embedded into our brains more. We are making it mandatory in our club that all leaders and officials have an annual first aid session to create a safer environment. Also we are adding it to our YFC club calendar working with our local St John’s Ambulance Division to hold first aid sessions, making it fun and educational for our members. This allows more knowledge, first aid to be second nature and more opportunities such as the farm safety competition. We are aiming to work with our County YFC to make this mandatory in Pembrokeshire YFC and potentially Wales YFC in the future. On top of this, our amazing members have fundraised for a defibrillator at our community centre in Camrose. We will all be completing training on how to use the defibrillator and aim to create a social media video to demonstrate how to use them!!
Thank you for reading our Sunday story!
Lots of love from Keyston YFC 💛