Wales YFC News
Wales YFC at the Winter Fair
On the 25th & 26th November 2024, Wales YFC members from all over Wales travelled to the Royal Welsh Agricultural Winter Fair to compete in a variety of competitions, held over the two days.
During the Winter Fair, counties competed against each other to take the honours in the Wales YFC Stock Judging, Prime Lamb Producer, Baby Beef, Lamb Trimming, Poultry jointing, Decorating a Gingerbread House and Creating a Nativity Scene competition to name just a few.

It is a delight to announce that all 12 counties of the Welsh Federation competed across the two days of the Fair, with a special mention to Carmarthenshire federation for becoming the overall YFC winners of the Fair, with Brecknock coming second and Ceredigion and Montgomery federations coming in joint third position.
Following on, in the stock judging section each county could put a team of four members together (Under 16s, 18s, 21s and 28s) for each of the three classes; lamb carcass, beef and butchers’ lamb. Carmarthenshire YFC were hailed overall winners of the Stock Judging classes, Montgomery YFC were second, and Brecknock YFC received the third position.

On the Monday morning, the Rural Affairs Committee held a brunch to thank sponsors and supporters. During this event, members, officers and supporters spent time networking. Rural Affairs Chair Dominic Hampson Smith launched the 2025 Agri Conference and Awards revealing the full line up of speakers.
Later that morning, the Wales YFC Prime Pork competitiors ventured out in to the Open pig classes. It was wonderful to see competitors from the YFC succeeding with Dom Hampson Smith placing 1st in the single cutters class (71-85kg), Sioned Thomas placing 4th and 6th and Lisa Gibbard Placing 5th in the same class. Sioned Thomas also came 1st in the cutters (71-85kg) pairs class with Lisa Gibbard being placed 3rd. Both Janet Evans and Lisa Gibbard competed in the Young Handler class (13-16 years old), Lisa won the class and Janet placed 5th.
Monday afternoon soon came around and it was a chance to see all 7 competitors out in the showing ring together, and what a sight it was! All the pigs had been turned out to the highest of standards by the members. The first class was the Wales YFC Prime Pork Single Pig which were placed in the following order:
1st Gwenan Davies, Pembrokeshire
2nd Janet Evans, Ceredigion
3rd Lisa Gibbard, Carmarthenshire
4th Sioned Thomas, Pembrokeshire
5th Jaap Harris, Pembrokeshire
6th Rebeca James, Ceredigion
7th Dom Hampson – Smith, Gwent

The competitors then entered the Wales YFC Prime Pork Pairs Class which were placed in the following order:
1st Gwenan Davies, Pembrokeshire
2nd Sioned Thomas, Pembrokeshire
3rd Jaap Harris, Pembrokeshire
4th Rebeca James, Ceredigion
5th Janet Evans, Ceredigion
6th Lisa Gibbard, Carmarthenshire
7th Dom Hampson – Smith, Gwent

Mr Robert Evans the Judge congratulated all the members on their hard work and dedication in the competition as the standard of the competition was extremely high. Both the champion single pig and champion pair went to Gwenan Davies from Pembrokeshire. Jaap Harris from Pembrokeshire won the ‘Best Stockman’ award. Every competitor were asked to produce a display board showing costings, growth rates and information about their pigs, these were judged by Mr Stuart Willimas.

The Wales YFC annual Prime Lamb Producer competition was also held that afternoon. There were three initial classes; continental, lowland and hill breeds. Luned Jones, Carmarthenshire won the continental class. Gethin Davies, Ceredigion, received a red rosette in the Lowland class and Morgan Evans, Brecknock gained a first place in the Hill breed class. All champions and reserves then re-entered the ring to compete against each other for the title of the Wales YFC Prime Lamb Producer Supreme Champion, which was awarded to Luned Jones. Rhys Hughes, Ceredigion was successful in earning the Reserve Supreme Champion award and Teleri Davies from Radnor YFC received the Best Stockman award. And finally, the highest placed new competitor was Luned Jones, Carmarthenshire.

Bright and early on the Tuesday morning, a handful of our members were busy preparing their calves for our Baby Beef competition. Elliw Roberts, Montgomery YFC, was awarded the title of Wales YFC Baby Beef Supreme Champion with her steer and Cerys Williams, Montgomery YFC was awarded Reserve Supreme Champion with her steer. It is also worth noting that Gwion Hughes, Ceredigion YFC, received the title of Best Heifer. The Best Stockman Award went to Elliw Roberts, Montgomery and the Highest Placed New Competitor was Catherine Nicholas, Ceredigion.

We would like to take this opportunity to thank Dunbia for sponsoring both the stock judging and the Prime Lamb Producer Competitions again this year. We are also grateful to ABP for sponsoring the Baby Beef competition and look forward to continuing to build and develop these in the future.
Working in partnership with Quad Bikes Wales, the Wales Federation of Young Farmers have run the ATV Challenge again this year, with the winner receiving a new Honda quad bike courtesy of the Quad Bikes Wales.
Working with judge Mr Sam Marvin, members were challenged to undertake a bike challenge, as well as completing a safety questionnaire.
With the prestigious prize of a Honda Quad Bike for one year up for grabs, along with a safety helmet for the winner and runners up, members from all over Wales competed in the challenge, with Gwent YFC member Tim Williams winning the coveted prize. Sam Pritchard, Gwent YFC and William Jenkins, Radnor YFC were noted as being worthy runners up.
Wales YFC extends its grateful thanks to Quad Bikes Wales in their continued support of this competition.