Are you a team player, keen to develop your skills and prepared to take responsibility for an area of interest? Then why not join the YFC officer team and help run your YFC. Taking on a club officer role is rewarding, challenging and enjoyable.

A successful YFC is made up of dynamic individuals acting as a team, with a shared vision of working hard to offer the best for their YFC. This means being able to rely on your fellow officers and them being able to rely on you in return.

Job descriptors for the following roles contain the information you will need to get you started running a fun, safe and successful YFC including details of what constitutes a Position of Trust.

AGM | CCB Canllawiau i Glybiau Grŵp Adeilad | Building Group Guidance for Clubs Policies Resources

The Role of Club Programme Secretary

The Role of Club Welfare & Safeguarding Officer

The Role of Club Secretary

The Role of Club President

The Role of Club Treasurer

Your Role in YFC

The Role of Club Chair or Vice Chair